Bull. Inst. Chem. Res., Kyoto Univ., 69, 269-291 (1991)


Predicting Various Targeting Signals in Amino Acid Sequences

Kenta Nakai

Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Japan.


  1. Introduction
  2. Sorting of Bacterial Proteins
    1. General aspects
    2. Analyses of signal sequences
    3. Other signals
  3. Membrane Topology of Proteins
    1. Recognition of transmembrane segments
    2. Prediction of membrane topology
  4. Sorting of Eukaryotic Proteins
    1. Transferons in general
    2. Mitochondrial matrix transferons
    3. Chloroplast stroma transferons
    4. Intra-organelle sorting
    5. Nuclear transferons
    6. Peroxisomal transferons
    7. Compartons in general
    8. ER-compartons
    9. Other compartons in cytoplasmic tails
    10. Targeting to lysosomes and vacuoles
    11. prediction of localization sites
  5. Degrons
    1. General aspects
    2. The N-end rule
    3. The PEST hypothesis
    4. The KFERQ motif
  6. Modons
    1. General aspects
    2. Glycosylations
    3. Phosphorylations
    4. Lipid anchors
  7. Concluding Remarks

Last update October 10, 1994